Monday, April 9, 2007

Week 2


Wassssssssssssup?!! Ahhh well I’m sick as a dawg. Schools over thank god!! Had my final exams last week, Ancient History and PDH/PE. I'm not going to jinx myself, so I can only hope for the best :-)

Well tomorrow is my dad’s birthday, so we were all going to go out tonight to the movies and dinner just as a little celebration but unfortunately because I am sick, I won't be able to go. So I guess mum and dad will go out just the two of them. And I will be home alone by myself sitting on the couch all rugged up sniffling, sniffling, sniffling...cant wait!!

We are also going down to Goulburn tomorrow where all my dads side of the family will be. We are all staying with my grandparents on their big, big farm’s always nice to catch up...but it’s so freakishly cold down there, it sometimes even snows. And oh what joy that is to see!! lol

HOLIDAYS have arrived...thank the lord!!!!! I’m so in need of holidays. This term has been a rather long and slow one. I’m ready to take on this break, then knuckle down for term 2. My resolution (yes I make resolutions for holidays. I’m normal I swear!!) for these holidays is to sleep in as much as possible because knowing school next term, I’m going to be up at the crack of dawn once again. That’s always a laugh.

Ahh well, second week of testing the Anti-Blemish 3-Step...its going well...slight changes here and skin is definitely feeling healthier...and less bumpier?? lol...we'll keep seeing how it goes...but so far so good. So very happy with that!!

Ohh well, I think it’s off to bed for me...sick dawg must go to bed.
Hope all of you are well,
Take care.

xox bri xox

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your doggy, it's so cute. I love Cliniques products too especially the Anti-blemish, I use it all the time. Jen.