Monday, April 30, 2007

Week 5

My last blog to you all…and to all a very sad goood bye!!!!! 
Well I guess this is it aye….my skin is great…can’t complain about anything.
I still wash day and night just to make sure that it STAYS LIKE THIS as I am really happy with how its turned out over the passed four weeks…The greatest thing I found about this product is that I saw a change in my skin in about the second week of using it and that was seriously amazing because that’s never happened to me when I’ve used any other skin clearing products before, so I was very very very impressed with my face clearing up in so littttttttttle time!!

Oh yes and another great thing about this product is that Clinique had a variety of different little products I could use under my make up and before I go out and even before I go to bed!! So I was able to look after my skin all the time which I found really helped my skin clearing and was simple and easy as I would just have one of the products I could use whenever just in my bag and id be able to dab it on whenever - it was great !!

Anyway I guess this it - the real it!!!
Thankyou to everyone for watching us three girls battle it out with our zits haha! Hope you’ve have a much enjoyable time laughing of course with us and not at us hahaha but seriously now we’ll be laughing at you coz we aint the one with zits !!!!!!! Clear skin all round !!! Woot woot !!

Well have fun voting and have fun looking at the site and especially watching our video blogs and reading our written blogs! All the best for all of the year twelve girls at PLC. Love you all and best of luck with the final exams of this year!!!!!!

Big love to all
Bri xox

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Week 4

HeYerR Homies !!

Whats crackin?!

THE MOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH PITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT !!!! Ok yer, i was going with some mates and NO ONE told me that we had tickets to the mosh pit...we were up the VERY front !!!!!!! OMG it was the best concert i have ever been too !! Everybody was getting so into it and the crowd was awesomeeee !!!
Now i love the red hot chilli peppers even more, not that i have seen them live...they sounded exaclty like they do on radio and all....if not ...better !!!!

Today i went with meli and nat and Watto to the sydney uni soccer game at sydney uni, to watch melis friend play. Shame about the weather but the rain held off untill the second game..we didn't watch the second game though. we knew no one playing. but sydney uni won so all was good in the hood !!!

tomorrow i have schooooooooooooooooooooooooooool...ughhhh dont wanna go. especially if the wather is going to be so horrible and cold and ...grey !!!! i'll go on strike and just refuse to go !! and plus we have wednesday off because its ANZAC day so wats the point of going tomorrow and tuesday then having the day off on wednesday? Wish they could just let us go back on thursday...then we'd all be happy wouldnt we !!??

ahhh i wanna go on a gap year soooo bad !!! i wanna go to UK. i'd love to be a tennis instructor or a swimming instructor overseas. it'd be awesome !! i don't really mind how long for. i can't picture my self surviving a year away from home but i mean, you never know after i finish this year being the HSC and all...i might just wanna jet outta here and never come back !! anyway there are many options so we'll just see what happens ....just gotta roll with the flow.

anyway must be off.
Loverrrrz you allllll !!!

breezer xox

Monday, April 16, 2007

Week 3

Yo my bruddaz from udda muddars!!


How you all been?! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD I hope!!

Well first week of holz have been awesome!! Monday, I just spent the day with my parents. Tuesday, I spent the day with my friend to catch up on old time which was heaps good, as we used to go to the same school – went out for dinner, this and that…came home today which is Wednesday, played a bit of tennis and soon I have fitness training for it again ..UGH !! Tomorrow, Thursday, I’ll be spending the day with my FAVE aunty lol…we’ll be heading off to the show to see what’s been happenin there…should be good!! And Friday, don’t think I’ll be doing much as I think I’ll be going out that night…we’ll just have to see what happens.

Parents going away this weekend. Woot woot!! And again, we’ll just have to see what happens that weekend while they are away lol. No parties…no, no, never..haha. what they don’t know won’t kill them right? Hehehehehe.

Well my skin is improving…In fact, now that I think about it…I haven’t really recognized the change in my skin…but its really good lol!! YAY !!! I’m happy!! J I’ve also been using some other little products from Clinique as well which have helped the process of clearing up my skin.

1.Post blemish formula – this is an after blemish spot treatment which oh so very gently fades away the marks and discolourations left by those horrible things we like to call ZITS !!!!! BLAHH !!!

2. Spot Treatment Gel – this helps reduce blemishes and clearing …woot woot!!

3.Concealing stick – and this helps clear blemishes as it conceals. It’s also oil free!!!!!

Anywayzzzz better get going my lovelies…

Big love to you all!!


Monday, April 9, 2007

Week 2


Wassssssssssssup?!! Ahhh well I’m sick as a dawg. Schools over thank god!! Had my final exams last week, Ancient History and PDH/PE. I'm not going to jinx myself, so I can only hope for the best :-)

Well tomorrow is my dad’s birthday, so we were all going to go out tonight to the movies and dinner just as a little celebration but unfortunately because I am sick, I won't be able to go. So I guess mum and dad will go out just the two of them. And I will be home alone by myself sitting on the couch all rugged up sniffling, sniffling, sniffling...cant wait!!

We are also going down to Goulburn tomorrow where all my dads side of the family will be. We are all staying with my grandparents on their big, big farm’s always nice to catch up...but it’s so freakishly cold down there, it sometimes even snows. And oh what joy that is to see!! lol

HOLIDAYS have arrived...thank the lord!!!!! I’m so in need of holidays. This term has been a rather long and slow one. I’m ready to take on this break, then knuckle down for term 2. My resolution (yes I make resolutions for holidays. I’m normal I swear!!) for these holidays is to sleep in as much as possible because knowing school next term, I’m going to be up at the crack of dawn once again. That’s always a laugh.

Ahh well, second week of testing the Anti-Blemish 3-Step...its going well...slight changes here and skin is definitely feeling healthier...and less bumpier?? lol...we'll keep seeing how it goes...but so far so good. So very happy with that!!

Ohh well, I think it’s off to bed for me...sick dawg must go to bed.
Hope all of you are well,
Take care.

xox bri xox

Monday, April 2, 2007

Week 1

Well well well, my first day of using the Anti-Blemish 3-Step products from Clinique. I think its great, starting the day off with taking care of my skin - giving it a little TLC before a hard days work!! Today I woke up feeling rather sluggish considering I had a biology exam. The best way to wake myself up is to jump in the shower and wash my face. As this was the first day using the new products, I was really looking forward to a good warm shower!! I firstly used the Foaming Cleanser in the shower, dried my face and dabbed on some of the Clarifying Lotion which made my skin feel really fresh and vibrant. There was no stinging or tingling sensation...just pure freshness!! lastly, I used the oil-free Clearing Moisturiser which I absolutely adore as it doesn't add any excess moisture or oil to my skin. What I also love about the moisturiser is I can put tinted moisturiser over the top of it and it doesn't ruin my make up (if you call tinted moisturiser make up that is!!) Already my face feels really clean and fresh...and guessed it!! - I'm ready for a hard days work AKA the dreadful biology exam!!! These products really made me feel awake and fresh for the rest of the day, and already I can feel the size of my zits diminishing. Soooon, oh so very soon my zits will have disappeared and faded away...and the rest will be history!! Wish me luck guyz !!!!

xox Bri xox